Monday 17 February 2014

Workbench Refresh

Since getting my AmigaONE 500 up and running again (sometime ago now) I have freshened up my Workbench a little.

The most frequently changed part of any desktop must surely be the humble wallpaper? First I set about changing mine, or rather FlipPaper did. A while back I asked the author of FlipPaper if he could add support for changing the wallpaper through the day to allow the use of a wallpaper set for Ubuntu I came across. He has added the feature and the results are very nice with the wallpaper changing hourly through the day.

Apart from the funky new wallpaper I have tweaked my AmiDock a little. I previously had a small 'tray' dock on the title bar for AppDockies, I have scrapped this as it had a habit of disappearing behind the title bar. I tried various tweaks to the dock's settings but it kept disappearing, seemed to happen when switching screens. Anyway I have moved my AppDockies dock to the top right of the screen and added the recently updated DateTime docky for a simple clock.

I have been using the universal trashcan manager BenchTrash for a while. Unfortunately BenchTrash is rather old and doesn't have a docky feature, instead putting Trashcan icon on the Workbench. I wanted to integrate its icon with the dock and did this by changing the tooltype for the icon's X and Y position so that it appeared in the bottom right corner of the screen with the label hidden. I set my main dock as left aligned at the bottom of the screen and fully transparent so BenchTrash looks as if it is part of it. The bottom right corner also happens to be a handy place for the trashcan as is rarely hidden by other windows here.

I recently discovered SmartButton docky and have used this to add subdocks to the main dock. I had subdocks before using the docky included with AmigaOS however the fact they didn't stick with their icon in the main dock was irritating. The new SmartButton subdock's always pop-up in line with the parent icon which is nice, apart from this there are also many options for customisation. I have added a subdocks for music playlists, AmiCygnix programs, games and finally one for frequently used drawers.

I thought I'd also mention a few other utilties I've recently added. First there's XADFileSystem which I recently stumbled across, it mounts archives as if they were drives when double clicked. I have been using UnArc for years and like the fact that XADFileSystem shortens the process of unpacking, less clicks and no progress bar which somehow makes the unpacking process seem faster. I've also started using FastView as my default image viewer, it's recently added single picture mode makes it a great MultiView replacement for browsing photos. I was pleased to find SSDR has been updated to support AllKeys and have now installed that for better screen switching using one of the 'multimedia' keys on my keyboard.

Finally I replaced various program icons with more modern ones in the OS 4.1 style and swapped the regular HDD icons for SSD equivalents.

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